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The Lockdown Projects.

This project was in resposce to the graduation brief and was tied in with pART of Pontypridd, a project that works to create community art spaces.


The Backyard Bowl (for COVID lockdown) Skate safe.. In your own yard!


From the areas I've researched, I've been inspired to make a series of "Artworks" to express my findings to share my experience with you. Not having anywhere to skate growing up led me to get creative and make ramps from scrap for the gang to use. All the way through my artist career I've taken this ethos.  It's only now years later, after honing my skills and finding my niche, that I have come full circle in this respect. The skateboarding has shaped my artistic projection but also the Art and learning to express myself has shaped how I skate. The two couldn't be more in tune with each other from my experience. This journey has not been without its challenges and in keeping with the Resit style (obviously) had to be made from found materials and locally sourced materials. Sourcing these materials has meant daily walks around the back streets with my wheelbarrow which the local community has been happy to help with (I mean its just JUNK). So enough rambling on, let the art talk for its self.

For this project, I have hand-drawn deck graphics (its UV reactive), experimented with DIY park building, making tools out of old skateboards, learnt how to use video and media software, created  3 'How to' videos and sourced material for a 36-page zine. The zine contains various aspects of my journey over the past 2 months and beyond.

This journey has made me look deeper into a sport ive loved since a child and allowed me to connect with that innerself in a more wholesome way.


This part of the project is about the same principles as the colouring books but just with a different take. I found the process a really good way to focus my thoughts around the project and devise ways to act on these plans. I used the UV reactive pens for the first time and although I've never seen a skate ramp at a Psytrance rave but this could be the new thing... (doesn't mean that there aren't psychonauts that skate)

One-off custom decks are available on request, just hit me up with an email and ill get back at ya!

ZINE (3) - Front Page Final colour (THIS

-The Zine -

Skate Of Mind

The overall idea of the zine was to shed some light on the therapeutic benefits of skateboarding as well as explore the DIY aspects of the culture and their potential to bring happiness to people. The content by no means touches the magnitude and  depth of the culture. Maybe on doing your own research, you discover a new hobby.

Click On The Title Cover (Left) To Make The Magic Happen!

If that DOES NOT work for your system, try the other viewing format below. Alternatively, you can message us to get an audio version made available to you!

"The biggest obstacle to creativity is breaking through the barrier of disbelief."

Rodney Mullen

The Backyard Bowl Gallery



Ollie - shepton high street